Parts installation
1.Tripod inst alla tion:
Tigh ten The Sc rew As The Pict ure Show.
2.Propeller pro t ector inst alla tion:
Tigh ten the sc rew as t he pict ure s how.
Camera installation(Camera configuration is optional)
For cameral module, inst all t he ant i-shak ing frame f irst in st eps as shown in figure above, then moun t
the cameral toget her wit h an ti-s hak ing frame onto batt ery rack bef ore c onnect ing power wire of camera .
Func tion overview of 30 W camera
1.The module is in s implified v ers ion with optional MI C and remote shoot ing and video f unct ions.
2.Pho tos are in JPEG forma t wi t h resolu tion of 1280× 960, while t he video is in AVI f ormat with re solu tion is
640 ×480 and frame rate of 60f ps. V ideo dat a shall be saved in TF c ard wit h maximum memory o f 32GB.
When reading data, it is necessar y to use card reader to read t he TF c ard.
3.FP C welding ty pe is adopted with impor ted chip of 30W pixels, minimum illuminance of 1Lu x, imaging lens
siz e of 8×8MM and visual angle of 70o±5 o.
Func tion overv iew of 200 W camera
1.Video re solut ion: 1280×720P/ 30FPS, v ideo pixels: 1280× 720, light-sensitive c hip of camera : 1 /4 INCH HD
2.Len s s i ze: 4P v isual angle of 68o , image zone: 3864UM× 2184UM, working v olt age of camera module :
DC2 .5-5 V
3.Power con sumpt ion of camera module : 220MA± 10% (3.7 V), working temperat ure: - 5℃-5 5 ℃ RH95%M AX
4.Storage tempera ture: -40℃-8 5 ℃ RH95%M AX
Func tion overv iew of 500 W camera
1.Video re solut ion: 1920×1080, v ideo f rame rat e: 30 frame/s, photo resolut ion (optional): 2592× 1944
2.Pho to format: JPEG, v ideo format: AVI
3.Working vol tage: 3. 7V-5 . 0V, wi t hstanding vol tage of t riggering pin: 0V-3 . 3V
4.Low volt age st andby current: 3.6V~=180m A, low voltage work ing c urrent: 3.6V~=230mA
5.High volt age st andby current: 5.0V~=160m A, high v olt age work ing c urrent: 5.0V~=190mA
Power supply and remot e signal input
The input and int roduct ion of vol tage, work ing c urrent and remote signal of whole machine are as follow s:
1.Star ting up: t he machine shall aut omatically start up after powering on . In cas e the red light is on first and
then red & green lights blink f or s ix times simult aneous ly, t he mac hine shall shut down aut oma tically ,
indica ting that TF card is not det ected or is f ull.
2.Standby : the green light i s on cont inuously .
3.Video recording: after low level of VI DEO cont rol wire t riggers and st arts up the video f unction, t he red light
shall flash; t hen low lev el s hall trigger and e xit VI DEO func tion while s aving files and gett ing back to standb y
sta te, when t he green light shall be on cont inuously.
4.Pho tographing: after the low lev el of P HOTO con trol wire t riggers photographing f unct ion, t he green light shall
be off with red light f lashing once, indicating t hat t hree phot os shall be t aken and sav ed bef ore gett ing back to
standby sta te, when t he green light shall be on.
5.Inpu t vol tage: 3. 7V-5 . 0V, s
tandby current: ≈200-250mA
-9- -10-
Description of product parts
Upper cover
Propeller cap
Lower cover
Battery cover
Li-Po battery
Motor lower
motor frame
board seat
LED panel
LED shade
Propeller had marks A or B , please corresponding the same mark s,as show as pi cture.
Propeller Installation
Motor Change
Loosen the s crew on t he upper cover ,t hen loosen the s cerw on t he lower
cover, open the lid to change t he motor.
When the aircraft is rotat ing
coun ter cloc kwise, press t he
right t rimmer c ont inuously until
the aircraft ge t s balanced .
When the aircraft is rotat ing
clo ckwi se, pres s the le ft
trimmer con tinuously unt il t he
aircraft gets balanced.
If the aircra ft keep s dri fting
left wards when hovering, pres s
the righ t side- fly trimmer to
adjust unt il it gets balanc ed.
If the aircra ft keep s dri fting
right wards when hovering,
press t he left side-f ly t rimmer
to adjust unt il it gets balanced.
If the aircraft keeps flying
backwards when hovering,
press t he f orward t rimmer to
adjust unt il it ge ts balanced.
If the aircra ft keep s f lying
forwards when hovering ,
press t he backward t rimmer
to adjust unt il it gets balanced.
The dron e has 4 speed modes , whe n you tur n
the speed switc h:
One beep means low s peed.
Two beeps mean middle s peed.
Three beeps mean high s peed.
Four beeps mean ext remely high speed.
Open the batt ery cas e according to the illus trat ion pict ure, t ake out t he power plug,
insert t he c harger to the power plug, t hen ins ert t he charger into Li- P o batt ery.
The red light will be on while c harging, and be off when charging is f inished.
Charging t ime is 150 minutes.
●Keep a sui table dist ance from t he aircraft f or safet y.
●Do not look straigh tly to the lights, as t he lights may genera te laser radia tion.
●If the t ransmi tter or aircraft is lack of power,t he cont rol di stance and height of flying will
be affec ted.
●If the aircra ft is broken, please repair it in t ime. F ly it wi t h damaged propellers may bring
serious hurt.
●Please put out t he batt eries to a void batt ery leakage when you didn’t use it in a long time .
●Do not let t he airc raft f all without cont rol especially at a high altitude, because it may get
the aircraft damaged and even short er i ts serv ice
Charging batteries
No tices : Charged with dist ribut ion of DCH640 USB charger .
●There are cert ain risks to use lit hium batt ery, which may give rise to personal injuries and
proper ty losses. Users shall undert ake all corresponding responsibilit ies t hems elv es.
Manu fac turer and dealer shall neit her t ake cont rol over usage of ba tterie s (charging ,
dis charging and storage), nor bear responsibilities concerned f or any personal injuries and
proper ty losses caused t hereby.
●In case of leakage of ba tteries , it is necessary to avoid liquid c ont acting skin and ey es. I n
case of cont acting with skin, please wash it immediat ely wit h soap and clean water. In
case of cont act ing with eyes, please wash eyes with large q uantities of wat er and seek
medical care immedia tely.
●In case of any s uspicious odor, noise or fumes coming f rom cha rgers, please unplug it at
once.B e sure to stric tly observe t he f ollowing requirements, otherwise, it ma y lead to fire
disas ter, elec tric shock or explosion.
●Only charger
recommended by OEM can be used for models. Model do not include c harger.
There fore, it is nec essary to disconnec t the model with charger bef ore cleaning.
●Do not charge and use expanded, leaked or damaged batt eries.
●Do not overcharge the batt eries. Aft er batt eries are f ully ch arged, please unplug t he charger.
Upon comple tion of charging , do not recharge the batt eries to prevent f rom overheat ing.
●Do not charge the batt eries near inf lammables or on t he surf ac e of inf lammable s (e.g.
carpet, wooden floor and solid wood f urnit ure) or conducti ve objects. Pa y attent ion to the
batt eries during charging .
●Do not charge the batt eries immediately when it is s till hot after usage.
●The temperat ure of ba tteries shall be bet ween 0℃ and 4 0℃ .
●Do not unplug the charger when not charging.
●Do not use batt eries wit h broken plast ic packages.
●After s tar ting up t he product, do not put in or t ake out t he b atteries .
●Excessive physical impact shall be
avoided .
●Do not u se expanded, leaked, damaged or smelly batt eries .
●Keep batt eries away f rom children.
●Never dis pos e of ba tteries in a fire and do not expose batt eri es t o liquid, rain or moist ure.
●Do not put batt eries in microwave oven or pressure t ank.
●Do not disassemble, drill, def orm or cut t he batt eries. Batteries or chargers are not allowed
to bear heavy load. Do not impact batt eries.
●Do not clean the charger wit h solvent, indust rial alcohol or other f lammable s olvent.
●Avoid short c irc uit. A void direct cont act ing with batt ery elec troly t e, because the elect rolyte
and elect rolyzed vapor are harmf ul to human body.
●Keep the product at room t emperature inst ead of ex treme t emper ature. Av oid major
changes to tempera ture at the loca tion of storing the products.
●Do not place the product near heat source.
●Take out batt eries when not using t he product.
●Do not dispose t he product as general wast e. Damaged or unu
sable batt eries shall be put
in to special cont ainers for int ended purposes.
●The product is composed of elec tronic element and batt eries. For t he waste elect ronic and
elect ric equipment, it shall be disposed in a ccordance wi t h special requirements.
●Please familiarize yourself wit h lo cal waste cen tralized treat ment met hods.
Precautions for use of lithium battery:
Charger And Charging
Use and storage
Speed conversion
T urning trim
Forwards backwards/
Left right control stick
Power button
Left/right side flight trim
Camera control
Video control
One key standardizing
Control stick
T urning trim
Take off /Landing
Flip mode
Light control
T ransmitter Chart
T ransmitter battery installation
Open the battery case. Insert 6 AA
batteries (excluded) properly according
to the polar indicator. Close the cover.
1.Do not install use old and new
batteries together .
2.Do not mix different type batteries.
3.Do not mix different type batteries.
AA alkaline ba tteries
Safety regulations:
1.Please keep small parts of aircraft away from children.
2.The aircraft have strong power, please turn the control stick slowly , speed too fast may get the
aircraft damaged.
3.After the flight, you need to turn off the transmitter off and then turn off aircraft off.
4.Do not put the battery into high-temperature environment (like fire or electric apparatus)
5.Please keep 2-3m distance from crowds avoid the aircraft landing hurt people.
6.Accompanied children need adult to sure the aircraft in the safety range of user.
7.Do not reuse non-rechargeable battery, insert/ pluck batteries properly according to the polar
indicator, do not install use old and new batteries together and mix different type batteries.
8. When you didn’t use aircraft in a long time, please turn transmitter and aircraft off ,put out the
batteries to avoid battery leakage .
9.Please take care the batteries to avoid it is short out.
Operation method
Special Tips:
When the lights of t he airc raft k eeps f lashing, it means i t’s going out
of power , please fly it ba ck t o re charge .
When the aircraft is flying within 30cm above ground, it may easily fly unstably. This
is what we call ground effect. The lighter the aircraft weights, the more seriously
ground effect goes.
①set-high b ar ometer adjustment
After c onne ction , wai t until t he light of t he aircraft f las hes, t hen t urn both
of the con trol stic k s towards the cen ter of the tran smitt er , keep this way
for around 2 se cond s, the air craft keeps flas hing.
②Gyro calib ration and mot or unblock ing :
Turn bo th of the con trol s ticks out wards, keep it f or around 2 sec onds, t he
lights of the air cra ft be comes cons tantly on, and the propellers s pin, t hen
push t he t hrott le control stick or pres s the one-ke y- to- take –off butt on to
take off .
No tices :
If the air cra ft s tar ts au toma tically wit hout c ont rol, it means t he set -high
baromet er is not adjust ed properly. Rest art t he aircraft with t he one-key
click, reboo t the con troller, repeat st ep 1 &2 again .
5.P ush the righ t con trol stic k le ftward s,
the air craft will make left s ide fly.
Push the righ t con trol stic k righ twards ,
the air craft will make right s ide f ly.
1.Turn the air craft on, lay it on a
platf orm or horiz ontal place. T urn
on t he t rans mitt er, a beep sound
indicat es the connect ion has
finished .
2.P us h up the left c ont rol st ick, the
rotation s peed of t he main rot or i s
increas ing and t he airc raft a scend s
acc ordingly. Pus h down the left cont rol
stic k, the ro ta tion speed of the main
rot or is dec reas ing and t he aircraft
desc ends a ccordingl y
3.P ush the le ft con trol s tick le ftward s,
the air cra ft turn s left. P ush t he left
con trol righ twards, t he aircraft t urns
4.P ush up the righ t con trol stic k, the
airc raft will fly forwards . Push down
the right con trol stick , t he aircraft
will fly back wards.
Electric and electronic equip ment and included batt eries cont ains materials,
components and substances that can be hazardou s to your health and the environment,
if the waste material (discarded electric and electroni c equipment and batteries) is not
handled correctly .
Electric and elect ronic e quipment and batt e ries is marked wi th the crossed out trash can
symbol, seen below . T his symbol signifies t hat electric and electronic equi pment and
batt eries sho
uld not be disposed o f with other hou sehold w aste, but should be disposed
of sep arately .
As the end user it is import ant that you submit your used batteries to the appropriat e
and designated f acili ty . In this manner you make sure that the batt eries are r ecycled in
accordance w ith legislature and w ill not harm t he environment.
All cities have establi she d collectio n poi nts, where el ectric and elec tronic e quipment and
batt eries can either be submitted fr
ee of cha rge at recycli ng stations and other coll ection
sites, or be coll ected from the househ olds. Additional information is av ailable at the
technical depa rtment of your city .
Imported by:
Omega 5A, Soeften
DK-8382 Hinnerup
www .facebook.com/denverelectronics
Den v er DCH-640
Please read this instruction manual carefully before start using the product.
Suitable for ages 14+
One key standardizing, push
button down, light flash
means standardizing, light on
after standardizing.
Light control, push button up
light on, push up again light
1, Press “T AKE OFF&LANDING” button 3 seconds until to hear
beep after blades rotating, then don’t press again, the drone takes
off. When the drone is flying, press “AKE OFF&LANDING” button
1.5 seconds until to hear beep, then don’t press again,
the drone lands.
2.Press the “PHOTO” button to take picture.
3.Press the “VIDEO” button to take video, press it again to finish
Under “FLIP MODE”, when you mak e the
right control stick:
push up-the drone flips forwards
push down-the drone flips backwards
push left-the drone flips leftwards
push right-the drone flips rightwards
Hereby , Inter Sales A/S declares that the radio equipment type
DCH-640 is in compliance with Directive 2014/53/EU. The full text of
the EU declaration of conformity is available at the following internet
address: http://www .denver-electronics.com/denver-dch-640/