Hanging hole
SET key
Instruction M anual
Congratulations on p urchasing this weather stati on as an example of innovative des ign and
quality piece of engineering. Provi ding time, date, cal endar, indoor and o utdoor temperature,
indoor and outdoor relati ve humidity, and ai r pressure history informatio n, this unit will never
keep you guessing on curre nt and future weat her conditions. Operatio n of this product is
simple and straightforward. By reading this operati ng manual, the user wi ll receive a better
understanding of t he weather station together wit h the optimum benefit of al l its features.
The Weather S tation
DCF Radio controll ed time with manual setti ng option
Time recepti on ON/OFF setting
Weekday, date a nd month display (year only i n setting mode)
Time zone optio n (-2h to +5h)
Daylight saving time (DST) se tting
Alarm setti ng
Temperature display i n degree Celsius (°C)
Indoor temperature displ ay with MIN/MAX recordi ngs
Outdoor temperat ure display with MIN/MAX recordi ngs with time and date recei ved
All MIN/MAX recordi ngs can be reset
Indoor and outdoor humidity display in RH%
Weather forecast wi th weather tendency indicator
Relative ai r pressure history for the past 12 hours
LCD contrast setti ng
Low battery indicator
Table standing or wall mounting
Thermo-H ygro Transmitter
Remote transmission of o utdoor temperature and humidity to weather station by
Wall mounting case
Mounting at a shelter ed place. Avoid di rect rain and sunshine
Note: This weather station re ceives only one outdoor tran smitter.
1. First, insert the batteri es in the transmitter (see “How to install and repla ce batteries
in the thermo-hygro trans mitter” above).
2. Within 30 seconds of poweri ng up the transmi tter, insert batteries i n the weather station
(see “How to install and repla ce batteries in the w eather station ” above). O nce the
batteries are in pl ace, all segments of the LCD wi ll light up briefl y and a short signal
tone will soun d. T hen the indoor temperat ure, humidity and t he time as 0:00 will be
displayed. If these informati on are not displ ayed on the LCD after 60 seconds, re move
the batteries and wait for at least 60 seconds before rei nserting them. O nce the indoor
data is displayed user may proceed to the next step.
3. After the batteries are i nserted, the weat her station will start recei ving data signal from
the transmitter. The o utdoor temperature and humi dity data should then be di splayed
on the weather station. If t his does not happen after 2 mi nutes, the batteri es will need
to be removed from bot h units and reset from step 1.
4. In order to ensure s uccessful 868 MHz transmissi on, the distance betwee n the weather
station and the transmitte r should be within 100 meters (se e notes on “Positioning ”
and “868 MHz Reception ”).
5. Once the outdoor data rec eption test period i s completed, the DCF tower i con in the
clock displ ay will start flashing in the upper l eft corner. This indicates that t he clock has
detected that there is a r adio signal present and i s trying to receive i t. When the time
code is received, the DCF to wer becomes perma nently lit and the time wi ll be
The weather statio n uses 3 x AAA, IEC LR3,
1.5V batteries. To i nstall and replace the
batteries, please foll ow the steps below:
1. Insert finger or other sol id object in the
space at the bottom ce nter of the
battery compartme nt and lift up to
remove the cover.
2. Insert batteries observi ng the correct polar ity (see marking).
3. Replace compartment cover.
The outdoor thermo-hygro tra nsmitter uses 2 x AA, IEC LR 6, 1.5V batteri es.
To install and repl ace the batteries, please foll ow the steps below:
1. Remove the battery cover b y pushing the battery cover upwards with
your thumb.
2. Insert the batteries, observi ng the correct pol arity (see battery
compartment marking).
3. Replace the battery cover o n the unit.
In the event of cha nging batteries in any of the units, al l units need to be reset by following
the setting up proced ures. This is due to a random sec urity code assig ned by the transmitter
at start-up. This code m ust be received and stored by t he weather statio n in the first 3
minutes of power being s upplied to the transmitter.
(MOBILE ALERTS gateway needed, sold separatel y)
Open the app, dashboard is di splayed. Tap "Add new sensor" and scan the QR cod e on the
back of the W S9274-B-DIS/MA. Then set a name for the sensor. To set a name, select the
transmitter and the n tap on the left area of the pencil icon in the upper ri ght.
Note: only the data for indo or, outdoor temperat ure and indoor, outdoor humidity are
transmitted to Mobi le-Alerts.
The time base for the radi o controlled time i s a Cesium Atomic Cl ock operated by the
Physikalisch Tec hnische Bundesanstalt Braunsc hweig which has a time deviati on of less than
one second in one milli on years. The time i s coded and transmitted from Mai nflingen near
Frankfurt via frequency sig nal DCF-77 (77.5 kH z) and has a transmitti ng range of
approximately 1,500 km. Your radio-controll ed weather station receives t his signal and
converts it to show t he precise time in summer or wintertime.
The quality of the reception depends greatl y on the geographic l ocation. In normal cases,
there should be no reception problems within a 1,500 km r adius of Frankf urt.
DCF reception is do ne twice daily at 02:00 and 03:00 am. I f the recepti on is not successful at
03:00 am, then the next reception takes place t he next hour and so on until 06:00am, or until
the reception is s uccessful. If the reception is not s uccessful at 06:00 am, t hen the next
attempt will take place the next day at 02:00 am.
If the tower icon flas hes, but does not set t he time or the DCF tower does not appear at all ,
then please take note of the following:
Recommended distance to a ny interfering sources l ike computer monitors or TV set s is
a minimum of 1.5 - 2 meters.
Within ferro-concrete rooms ( basements, superstructures), t he received signal i s
naturall y weakened. In extreme cases, please pl ace the unit close to a wi ndow and/ or
point its front or back toward s the Frankfurt tr ansmitter.
During nighttime, t he atmospheric disturbances are usually less severe and reception is
possible in most cases. A singl e daily recepti on is adequate to keep the acc uracy
deviation below 1 second.
Weather station:
The weather statio n has 4 easy to use functi on keys:
SET key
Press and hold for 2 seco nds to enter manual setti ng modes: LCD contrast, ti me zone,
time recepti on ON/OFF, DST ON/OFF, manual ti me setting and calendar
To stop the alarm so und
+ key
To increase/change values i n setting modes
Toggle between tim e / date / humidity / seconds di splay
To stop the alarm so und
To toggle between t he indoor and outdoor MIN/MA X temperature
To decrease/change values i n setting modes
Press and hold for 3 seco nds to reset ALL i ndoor/outdoor minimum/maxim um
temperature recordings to cur rent readings
To stop the alarm so und
To activate/deactivate t he alarm and display al arm time
Press and hold for 2 seco nds to enter the al arm setting mode
To stop the alarm so und
To exit the manual setting mode
The LCD screen is spli t into 3 sections displ aying the information for time/cal endar, indoor
data, weather forecast and air pressure history, a nd outdoor data.
* W hen the signal is successfull y received by the weather station, t he outdoor transmi ssion
icon will be switched on. (If not successful, the ico n will not be shown o n LCD). The user can
then easily see w hether the last reception was s uccessful (icon on) or not (i con off).
The foll owing settings can be changed when pressi ng and holding the SET key:
LCD contrast setti ng
Time zone setting
Time recepti on ON/OFF setting
Daylight saving time (DST) O N/OFF setting
Manual ti me setting
Calendar setting
The LCD contrast ca n be set within 8 levels, from LCD 0 to LCD 7 (Default i s LCD 4):
1. The LCD contrast l evel starts flashing.
2. Use the + or MIN/MAX key to select the level of contrast desired.
3. Confirm with the SE T key and enter the Ti me Zone Setting .
The time zone default of the weather station is “0”. T o set a different time zone:
1. The current time zone value starts flashi ng.
2. Use the + or MIN/MAX key to set the time zo ne. The range runs from -2 h to +5h hours
in 1-hour intervals.
3. Confirm with the SE T key and enter the Ti me Reception ON/OFF Setting .
In area where reception of t he DCF-77 time si gnal is not possibl e, the DCF-77 time reception
function can be turned OFF. The clock will then work as a normal quartz cl ock. (Default
setting is “1” = ON).
1. The digit “1” will start flashing on the LCD.
2. Use the + or MIN/MAX key to turn OFF (“0” = OFF) the time recepti on function.
3. Confirm with the SE T key and enter the D aylight Saving Time (DS T) ON/OFF
If the Time Recepti on function is turned OF F manually, the clock will not attempt any
reception of the DCF ti me as long as the Ti me Reception OFF function is acti vated.
The time receptio n “ “ and the “DCF” icons will not be displ ayed on the LCD.
The dayli ght saving time (DST) function can be set ON/O FF. Default setti ng is “1” = ON:
1. The digit “1” will start flashing on the LCD.
2. Use the + or MIN/MAX key to turn OFF (“0” = OFF) the daylight savi ng function.
3. Confirm with the SE T key and enter the M anual Time setting .
This function is onl y significant if the time reception se tting is turned OFF “0”.
Daylight saving time setting “1” (ON): the clock cal culates DST automaticall y in
normal quartz mode. DST begi ns on the last Sunday of Mar ch and ends o n the last
Sunday of October.
Daylight saving ti me setting “0” (OFF): DST feat ure is OFF and the clock wi ll not
change time automaticall y.
If the time reception setting i s turned ON “1”, please s et the daylight sa ving time “1”
(ON): the time change wi ll be updated by the DCF- 77 signal (as long as a proper r eception i s
In case of daylight savi ng time setting “0” (OFF) : the time will be transmitted by t he DCF-77
signal, but the clock calcul ates automaticall y a “no-DST time”.
In case the weather station cannot detect the DCF-si gnal (for example d ue to disturbances,
transmitting dist ance, etc.), the time can be m anually set. The clock will then work as a
normal quartz clock.
1. The hour digit will start flashing.
2. Use the + or MIN/MAX key to set the hour. Keep holding the key allow s the digit to
advance faster.
3. Press again the SE T key to set the minute s. The minute digits star t flashing.
4. Use the + or MIN/MAX key to set the minutes. Keep holding the key al lows the digit to
advance faster
5. Confirm with the SE T key and enter the C alendar setting .
The unit will still try and receive the signal despi te it being manuall y set. When it does
receive the signal, i t will change the manuall y set time into the received ti me. During
reception attempts t he DCF tower icon will flash. If reception has been unsuccessful,
then the DCF tower i con will not appear but recepti on will still be attempted the
following day.
The time receptio n “ “ and the “DCF” icons will not be displ ayed on the LCD after
manual ti me setting.
1. The year digits will start flashing. The range runs fr om 2011 to 2025 (defa ult is 2011).
2. Use the + or MIN/MAX key to set the year. Keep holding the key allows the value to
advance faster.
3. Press the SET key to co nfirm and enter the m onth setting mode.
4. The month digit w ill be flashing. Use the + or MIN/M AX key to set the mont h. Keep
holding the key all ows the value to advance faster.
5. Press the SET key to e nter date setting.
6. The date digit wil l be flashing. Use the + or MIN/M AX key to set the date. Keep holding
the key allows t he value to advance faster.
7. Confirm with the SET key a nd exit the ma nual setting.
The weekday is a utomatically displayed above t he time in short form (from Mo nday to
Sunday): MO / TU / WE / TH / FR / SA / SU .
To exit the manual setting mode anytime during t he manual setting, press t he ALARM key.
The mode will return to normal time display.
To set the alarm:
1. Press and hold ALARM key for 3 seconds until the alarm time shown.
2. The hour digit will be flashing. Use the + or MIN/M AX key to adjust the ho ur. Keep
holding the key all ows the value to advance faster.
3. Use the ALARM key agai n, and the minut e digits will be flashing. Press + or MIN/MAX
key to set the mi nute. Keep holding the key all ows the value to advance faster.
4. Press the ALARM key to co nfirm the setting.
To activate/deactivate t he alarm function, press t he ALARM key once. T he display of the
alarm icon represe nts that the alarm is "ON".
The duration of al arm sounding is 2 minutes. Press a ny key will stop the alarm sound.
The weather ico ns in the second section of LCD ca n be displayed in any of t he following
For every sudden or signifi cant change in the air press ure, the weather i cons will update
accordingly to represent t he change in weather. If t he icons do not change, t hen it means
either the air pressure has not changed or the cha nge has been too sl ow for the weather
station to register. However, i f the icon displ ayed is a sun or raining clo ud, there will be no
change of icon if t he weather gets any better (wi th sunny icon) or worse (wi th rainy icon) since
the icons are already at t heir extremes.
The icons displ ayed forecasts the weather i n terms of getting better or worse a nd not
necessaril y sunny or rainy as each icon indi cates. For example, if the c urrent weather is
cloudy and the rainy icon i s displayed, i t does not mean that the product is faulty because it i s
not raining. It simpl y means that the air pressure has dropped and the weat her is expected to
get worse but not necessarily rainy.
After setting up, readi ngs for weather forecasts s hould be disregarded for t he next 12-24
hours. This will allow sufficient time for the w eather station to coll ect air pressure data at a
constant altitude and t herefore result in a more acc urate forecast.
Common to weather forecasti ng, absolute accuracy ca nnot be guaranteed. The weather
forecasting feature is est imated to have an accuracy l evel of about 75% d ue to the varying
areas the weather station has been designed for use. In areas that experi ence sudden
changes in weather (for e xample from sunny to rai n), the weather statio n will be more
accurate compared to use in areas where the weat her is stagnant most of t he time (for
example mostly sunny).
If the weather stati on is moved to another locati on significantly higher or l ower than its initial
standing point (for example from the ground fl oor to the upper floors of a house), discard t he
weather forecast for the next 12-24 hours. By doi ng this, the weather stati on will not mistake
the new location as being a possible change i n air-pressure when really i t is due to the slight
change of alti tude.
The weather tende ncy indicators (located on the l eft side of the weather i cons) are working
together with the weat her icons. When the i ndicator points upwards, it mea ns that the air -
pressure is i ncreasing and the weather is expected to i mprove, but whe n indicator points
downwards, the air-pre ssure is dropping and the weat her is expected to become worse.
Taking this i nto account, one can see how the weat her has changed and is exp ected to
change. For exampl e, if the indicator is pointing dow nwards together wit h cloud and sun
icons, then the last noticeable change in the weat her was when it was s unny (the sun icon
only). Therefore, the next change in the weather wi ll be cloud with rain i cons since the
indicator is pointi ng downwards.
Once the weather te ndency indicator has regi stered a change in air pressure, it w ill remain
permanently visuali zed on the LCD.
The right side of t he second section of the LCD s hows the air pressure history bar graph.
Air pressure trend over the
last 12 hours
Alarm time (flashing)
Cloudy with sunn y intervals
Date. Month.
Alarm indicator (ON)
Hour flashing
Minutes flashing
+ key
Instant Transmission+» is t he up and co ming state
transmission technolog y, exclusively d esigned and developed b y LA CROSSE
“IT +” offers you an i mmediate update of all your outdoor data measured from the
transmitters: follow your climatic variations in real-ti me!
Indoor humidity
display in RH%
(weather station)
forecast icon
Air pressure history
bar graph
Outdoor data signal
reception indicator *
Low battery indicator
(outdoor transmitter)
MIN/MAX outdoor
temperature display
Alarm icon
Outdoor humidity
display in RH%