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Rules Reference
he Only Game
That Matters
Too many strange faces, Tyrion thought, too many
new players. e game changed while I lay rotting in
my bed, and no one will tell me the rules.
George R.R. Martin, A Song of Ice and Fire
is document is intended as the denitive source for
rules information, but does not teach players how to
play the game. Players should rst read the Learn to
Play book in its entirety and use this Rules Reference
as needed while playing the game.
e majority of this guide consists of the glossary,
which provides an alphabetical listing of terms and
situations a player might encounter during a game.
is section should be the rst destination for players
who have a rules question.
e latter part of this guide contains two appendices.
e rst appendix provides detailed timing diagrams
that illustrate the structure of an entire game round, as
well as a detailed explanation on how to handle each
game step presented in those diagrams. e second
provides a detailed anatomy of each cardtype.
he Golden Rules
If the text of this Rules Reference directly contradicts
the text of the Learn to Play book, the text of the
Rules Reference takes precedence.
If the text of a card directly contradicts the text of
either the Rules Reference or the Learn to Play book,
the text of the card takes precedence.
e following is an alphabetical list of entries for game
rules, terms, and situations that may occur during play.
An ability is the special game text that a card contributes
to the game. Card abilities fall into one of the following
types: actions, constant abilities, interrupts, keywords,
reactions, or when revealed abilities.
x e initiation of action, interrupt, and reaction
abilities is optional. e word “may” also incorporates
a player option into the resolution of an ability. e
player who controls the card on which an optional
ability exists determines whether or not he or she
wishes to use that ability at the appropriate time.
x e application or initiation of the following types
of abilities is mandatory: constant abilities, when
revealed abilities, forced interrupt abilities, and
forced reaction abilities.
x e initiation of any keyword which uses the word
“may” in its keyword description is optional. e
application of all other keywords is mandatory.
x Card abilities only interact with, and can only
target, cards that are in play, unless the ability
text specically refers to an out of play area or
element. Card abilities on characters, locations, and
attachments can only be initiated or aect the game
from an in play area unless they specically refer
to being used from an out of play area, or require
that the card be out of play for the ability to resolve.
Event cards and agenda cards implicitly interact with
the game from an out of play area, as established by
the rules of their cardtypes.
x A card ability can only be initiated if its eect
has the potential to change the game state. is
potential is assessed without taking into account
the consequences of the cost payment or any other
ability interactions.
x A card ability can only be initiated if its cost (after
modiers) has the potential to be paid in full.
Related: Actions, Eects, Constant Abilities, Costs,
Delayed Eects, Forced Interrupts/Forced Reactions,
In Play and Out of Play, Interrupts, Keywords, Lasting
Eects, Reactions, Triggered Abilities, When Revealed

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