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Marines are always considered to have access to the fist, pis-
tol, and grenade weapons (although the pistol and grenade
weapons still require ammo tokens for use). These weapons are
outlined in green on the reference sheets. A marine cannot use
any other weapon unless he has acquired the corresponding
weapon token.
If a marine does not have at least one ammo token of a specif-
ic kind, he may not declare an attack with any weapon using that
ammo type (see Ammo, later on).
Note that the attacking player nominates a space to attack, and
not necessarily another figure. This is important for weapons
that have a blast radius (see later). When firing weapons that do
not have a blast radius, the single figure occupying the nominat-
ed space is also considered the target of the attack.
2: C
In order to attack a space, the attacker must have line of sight to it.
In other words, the attacking figure must be able to trace an unin-
terrupted straight line from the center of its space to the center of
the space it is targeting. If attacking with an oversized invader, you
need only trace a line of sight from the center of one of the spaces
it occupies to the center of the space it is targeting.
Line of sight is blocked by walls, closed doors, other figures, and
blocking obstacles. Thus you cannot, for instance, shoot directly
through one invader to hit another invader behind it.
Example: In the diagram above, the marine has a line of sight to
the demon invader shaded in green, but not those shaded red. The
obstacle is blocking the line of sight to the zombie, the corner is
concealing the cyberdemon, and the demon itself is blocking the
line of sight to the archvile behind it.
3: C
& R
Next, the attacking player counts the number of spaces from the
space occupied by the attacking figure to the targeted space. This
is the range of the attack.
Example: As illustrated in the diagram above, the marine finds
that the shortest path he can trace to his target is 4 spaces. Thus
the range for his attack is 4 spaces.
After determining the range of the attack, the attacking player
rolls the dice corresponding to the attacking weapon or invader.
The specific dice used are listed on the reference sheet.
Example 1: When attacking with the pistol, the marine player
rolls one yellow and one green dice.
Example 2: When the mancubus is attacking, it rolls one yellow,
one blue, and one green die.
4: D
First, the attacking player checks to see if he rolled a miss result. If
he did, the attack automatically fails. If no miss results are show-
ing, the attacker adds up all the range number
results on the rolled dice. The attack hits if the
total range of the rolled dice is equal to or
greater than the range needed for the attack.
If the total rolled range is lower than the
required range needed to hit the target, the
attack fails and no damage is done.
Example: Using the example on the above diagram, the marine
decides to attack the demon with his pistol. The marine player
consults his reference sheet, and finds that a pistol rolls 1 yellow
and 1 green die. The player picks up the two dice, rolls them, and
gets the illustrated result.
He now adds together the numbers on each die (range 2 on the
yellow die and range 2 on the green die), for a total range of 4.
Since no misses were rolled and the total range result was equal
to or greater than the range needed (4), the attack hits!
5: I
If the attack hits, the attacking player counts the total number of
damage (bullet holes) showing on the rolled dice. This is the
total damage dealt to the figure in the target space. In order for
this damage to have any effect, however, it must first penetrate
the figure’s armor.
A marine’s armor rating is equal to the number of armor tokens
on his equipment bin. An invader’s armor rating can be found on
the reference sheet. In order to inflict damage to a figure (invader
or marine both), the total damage must be equal to or greater than
its armor rating. Thus, if a figure has 2 armor, it will take 2 points
of damage to give it 1 wound.
It is possible for a single attack to deal more than one wound to its
target. An attack deals 1 wound for every increment of damage equal
to the target’s armor rating. For example, a figure with 2 armor
would take 2 wounds if subjected to 4 damage from a single attack.
Note that any “leftover” damage is wasted. For example, 7 dam-
age given to a figure with an armor rating of 2 would still only
cause 3 wounds. This also applies in the case where a single
damage point is dealt to a figure with an armor rating of 2+; the
single damage point is wasted and the attack has no effect.
Example: The attacking marine now counts the total damage on
the dice he rolled for the attack (2 on the yellow die and 1 on the
green die) and announces that he has dealt 3 damage to the
demon. The demon has 3 armor, so the attack penetrates the
demon’s armor and causes 1 wound. The invader player places
one wound token next to the demon.
When a marine suffers a wound, he must remove one wound token
from his equipment bin (simply move the token off the bin and
place it nearby). When a marine removes the last wound token
from his equipment bin, he has been fragged (see Frags & Kills,
pg. 9).
Conversely, when an invader suffers a wound, the invader play-
er places a wound token (from the pile near the board) next to
the actual figure on the board. An invader figure is killed when
the number of wound tokens it has received equals to or exceeds
its wound rating (as indicated on the reference sheet). A killed
invader figure is simply removed from the board and becomes
available for spawning once more.
Many weapons and creatures have special abilities when attack-
ing (and some while moving). Be sure to familiarize yourself
with these special abilities by studying the reference sheet. Each
special ability is represented by an icon that is described in detail
on the last page of this rules booklet.
OOtthheerr RRuulleess
Here are some other rules that you will use during a typical game.
In order to attack with any given weapon, a marine player must
have at least one ammo token of the corresponding type on his
ammo bin. Invaders can ignore the ammo rules entirely, as their
attacks are different in nature.
The ammo required by a particular weapon is illustrated on the ref-
erence sheets. Weapons that show an infinity symbol (oo) do not
require, nor expend, ammo.
After a marine has rolled for an attack, he must always check for
ammo expenditure. If one or more of his
rolled dice show a bullet icon, the marine
player must immediately discard 1 ammo
token of the type used by the attacking
weapon. Only 1 ammo token is discarded per
attack, regardless of how many bullet icons
are showing.
The marine targets one of
the two spaces that the
demon occupies (high-
lighted in red). The range
is 4 spaces.
CCoouunnttiinngg RRaannggee
The demon (highlighted
in green) is the only
invader to which the
marine can trace a line
of sight.
LLiinnee ooff SSiigghhtt

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