‘If the number of the faces shown corresponds exactly to
the number chosen, you receive a cat as a reward.
‘If there are more or less faces, you don’t receive a cat.
• A dog
Barking loudly the dog chases off the cats. All the cats
quickly run away but will the last cat also get to safety?
Take a cat in your fist and let it fall on the table.
‘If the cat’s face doesn’t show, you helped her to flee and
can take it and place it in front of you.
‘If the face shows up on the table, the other cats have to
help her flee and the cat is put back to the provision.
‘If there are as many faces on the table as shown dots on
the die, you receive a cat as as reward and place it in
front of you.
‘If there are less or more cats’ faces on the table than dots
on the die, you unfortunately don’t get a cat.
• A cat
You have the cats’open free-fall! Choose a number bet-
ween 1 and 4 and tell it to the other players. Then take in
your hand as many cats as you want from the provision
and let them fall on the table.