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Tone & Shape” 3 / 8
strengthen your core stabilising muscles (abdomi-
nals and back), improve your balance and give you
enhanced stability. It's great for all-round muscle
exercises, but it's also the easy way to improve
your exibility and coordination.
Technical information
· Size: 35 x 65 cm
· Weight: approx. 1050 g
· Donut made of PVC
· N.B. The donut has a weight limit of 110 kg
User precautions
N.B. The donut has a weight limit of 110 kg.
Before using the donut, make sure the area
around you is free of furniture or any objects that
may cause injury or puncture the donut.
The donut is designed for indoor use only.
Keep the donut away from all heat sources and
out of direct sunlight.
Do the exercises in a slow, relaxed and
controlled manner by maintaining good body
position and carefully follow the instructions to
avoid falling over.
Do not place heavy loads on the donut.
Make sure the donut is not placed on a slippery
The donut exercises should preferably be done
barefoot; otherwise trainers should be worn.
Instructions for inflation
Before you inate the donut and in general,
make sure it’s between 18 and 30°C.
1 Remove the cap from the valve of the donut
without using a sharp object.
2 Insert the pump nozzle in the valve of the donut
and inate it using your foot until it reaches the
desired size and hardness.
· The ination level will depend on the desired
diculty and the type of exercise. For some
muscle exercises, the donut should be quite hard,
while it should be softer for other exercises, such
as balance exercises. The most important factors
are ease and comfort.
· N.B. Do not exceed the maximum size of the
donut (35 x 65 cm).
3 Once the donut is completely inated, put the
cap back on the valve by pushing it as far as it will
· You don’t have to deate the donut after each
General information
The Pilates ring helps you tone up by adding extra
resistance during muscle exercises. Simply place
the ring between your hands, arms, thighs, legs
or ankles. It's a great way to properly position and
align dierent parts of your body and to stren
gthen your core muscles.
Technical information
· Size: diameter 38 cm
· Weight: 385 g
· Lightweight and exible berglass ring
Handles made of EVA foam for a rm and
comfortable grip
All the packaging is composed of materials that
pose no hazard for the environment and which
can be disposed of at your local sorting centre to
be used as secondary raw materials. The card-
board may be disposed of in a paper recycling
bin. The packaging lm must be taken to your
local sorting and recycling centre.
When you have nished using the device, please
dispose of it in an environmentally friendly way
and in accordance with the law.
LANAFORM guarantees this product against any
material or manufacturing defect for a period of
two years from the date of purchase, except in the
circumstances described below.
The LANAFORM guarantee does not cover
damage caused as a result of normal wear to
this product. In addition, the guarantee covering
this LANAFORM product does not cover damage
caused by abusive or inappropriate or incorrect
use, accidents, the use of unauthorized accesso-
ries, changes made to the product or any other
circumstance, of whatever sort, that is outside
LANAFORM’s control.
LANAFORM may not be held liable for any type of
circumstantial, indirect or specic damage.
All implicit guarantees relating to the suitability
of the product are limited to a period of two years
from the initial date of purchase as long as a copy
of the proof of purchase can be supplied.
On receipt, LANAFORM will repair or replace your
appliance at its discretion and will return it to
you. The guarantee is only valid through LANA-
FORM’s Service Centre. Any attempt to maintain
this product by a person other than LANAFORM’s
Service Centre will render this guarantee void.
FR Manuel d’instruction
Les photographies et autres représentations du
produit dans le présent manuel et sur l’embal-
lage se veulent les plus dèles possibles mais
peuvent ne pas assurer une similitude parfaite
avec le produit.
LANAFORM vous remercie d’avoir fait l’acquisition
de ce kit tness. Nous espérons que vous tirerez
pleinement prot de ces accessoires, ainsi que du
programme d’entrainement et du book spécial
bien-être oerts qui les accompagne.
En eet, tout au long des exercices de musculation
et de cardio-training, vous allez pouvoir retrouver
tous les bienfaits de l’activité physique, dont un
corps tonié et raermi.
Retrouvez tous les entrainements et votre book
spécial bien-être en vous connectant sur www.
lanaform.com puis en cliquant sur l’onglet «
Programme Fitness ». Introduisez le code joint
à ce kit, suivez les instructions de connexion et
commencez dès à présent votre remise en forme.
N'utilisez ce Kit tness que dans le cadre du
mode d'emploi décrit dans ce manuel et dans
les vidéos explicatives accompagnant ce kit et
disponibles sur notre site internet.
Si un des accessoires de ce kit est endommagé,
il doit être remplacé auprès du fournisseur ou de
son service après-vente.
Attention : ce kit ne convient pas aux enfants
de moins de trois ans.
Ce kit tness n’est pas prévu pour être utilisé
par des personnes, y compris les enfants, dont
les capacités physiques, sensorielles ou mentales
sont réduites, ou des personnes dénuées d’expé-
rience ou de connaissance, sauf si elles ont pu
bénécier, par l’intermédiaire d’une personne
responsable de leur sécurité, d’une surveillance ou
d’instructions préalables concernant l’utilisation
de l’appareil. Il convient de surveiller les enfants
pour s’assurer qu’ils ne jouent pas avec l’un des
accessoires de ce kit.

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