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espresso coffee machine - user instructions
all parts of this manual before using the product.
The espresso coffee machine that you have purchased has been designed and manufactured with innovative methods and
technology which ensure long lasting quality and reliability.
This manual will guide you in discovering the advantages of selecting this product. You will find information on how to get the
best out of your machine, how to always keep it efficient and what to do if you should have any problems.
Keep this manual in a safe place. If you lose it you can ask the manufacturer for another copy.
The manufacturer has the right to make any improvements on the product. We also guarantee that this manual reflects the technical
state of the product at the time it is marketed.
We would like to take this opportunity to invite the customers to make any suggestions for improvement of the product or the
After removing the packaging, check the condition of the appliance. If in doubt, do not use it but contact the retailer directly.
The packaging material must not be left within the reach of children since it is a potential source of danger. It is advisable to
keep the packaging until after the guarantee has expired.
Before you turn the machine on, please make sure that the electrical mains are in accordance with the indications given on
the machine data plate which is set just below the discharge tray.
The installation must be done in accordance with the safety standards in force and by qualified and trained personnel. Incorrect
installation may be harmful to people, property or animals.
This appliance is completely safe only if it is connected to an effective grounding system, executed as required by current safety
standards. It is important to have compliance with this requirement checked. If in doubt, have the system carefully checked by
qualified personnel. The manufacturer cannot be considered responsible for any damage caused by an incorrect grounding
Upon installation of the machine, qualified personnel will be required to install a main switch as required by current safety
regulations, with a contact aperture of at least 3 mm.
It is not advisable to use extensions or electrical adaptors with multiple outlets. If their use is indispensable, use only simple or
multiple plug adaptors and extensions which are in accordance with the safety standards in force. Never exceed the capacity
value in kW indicated on the simple adaptor or on the extensions and the maximum power value indicated on the adaptor.
The espresso coffee machine is intended for the preparation of hot beverages such as coffee, tea or warm milk. This appliance
is to be used only for its intended purpose. Any other use is considered improper and therefore dangerous. The manufacturer
cannot be responsible for any damage caused by incorrect and unreasonable use.

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