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1199..00 IIff aa ddeevviiccee iiss ffaauullttyy......
IIff tthhee bbaassiicc ddeevviiccee LLUUXXOORR 440000 iiss ffaauullttyy,,
the function of the connected upgrade devices is not restricted. However, the
central functions can no longer be used.
IIff tthhee uuppggrraaddee ddeevviiccee LLUUXXOORR 440022//440044 iiss ffaauullttyy,,
the function of the connected upgrade devices and that of the basic device
are not restricted. Only the central functions , and , can be used
with restriction.
inngg tthhee ffaauullttyy ddeevviiccee::
Send the packaged faulty device with a brief description of the fault to
our Service Department.
2200..00 TTeecchhnniiccaall ddaattaa
Operating voltage: 230 V~, + 10 %/ - 15 %
Mains frequency: 50 Hz
Power consumption: approx. 4 VA
Switching outputs: 16(6) A/250 V~
Key / switch connecting cable: 230 V phase-independent
2-wire connection for COM: Any cross-section / max. length 100 m
Cable length switches and keys: up to 100 m
Glow lamp load to I 1: max. 30 mA
Time functions C1 (400, 404): 1... 15 min. with/without switch-off pre-warning /
switching and continuous function after
Time functions C2 (400, 404): 1... 20 min. with/without switch-off pre-warning /
C1 and C2 (402): switch-off and continuous function
Permitted ambient temperature: –10 °C ... +50 °C
Protection class: Control unit II in accordance with EN 60730-1 for
designated installation
Degree of protection: Control units: IP 20 in accordance with EN 60529
Mode of operation: RS Type 1 B
Rated impulse withstand voltage in accordance with 60730-1 Tab. 20.1 Installation
category III 4 kV
TThheebbeenn AAGG
Hohenbergstr. 32
D-72401 Haigerloch
Phone +49 (0) 74 74/6 92-0
Fax: +49 (0) 74 74/6 92-150
Phone +49 (0) 90 01 84 32 36
Fax: +49 (0) 74 74/6 92-207
AAddddrreesssseess,, tteelleepphhoonnee nnuummbbeerrss eettcc.. aatt
1188..00 FFuunnccttiioonn iinn ccoommbb.. wwiitthh sseennssoorr mmoodd.. LLUUXXOORR 441111__441122
LUXOR modules 400, 402, 404 can be taught in to the twilight channel of
the sensor module.
Teach-in works in the same way as teach-in for the central functions
(see Operating Manual LUXOR 411, Section 10).
LLiigghhtt cchhaannnneellss
-- wwhheenn sseelleeccttoorr sswwiittcchh iiss sseett ttoo SS//TT
If the light channel is a standard switching channel, channel ON is swit-
ched when the twilight threshold is underrun (evening) and channel OFF
is switched when it is overrun (mornings) (with an 80 sec. delay).
RReellaattiioonnsshhiipp bbeettwweeeenn ttwwiilliigghhtt,, iiddllee t
tiimmee aanndd oouuttppuutt ssttaattuuss
(see Table)
-- wwhheenn sseelleeccttoorr sswwiittcchh iiss sseett ttoo ssttaaiirrccaassee lliigghhtt ((ttiimmee ffuunnccttiioonn))
There is no reaction to the sensor.
CCeennttrraall ffu
If the ‘panic’ function or ‘presence simulation’ is active on a channel,
LUXOR 400 does not react to this sensor command.
PPlleeaassee nnoottee
The 3 stars on the top of LUXOR devices 400,
402, 404 denote 3rd generation devices. This
means that only these devices can be controlled
using LUXOR 411 (sensor module) and LUXOR
414 (timer module).
IIddllee ppeerriioodd
%% vvaalluuee
((LLUUXXOORR 441144))
((LLUUXXOORR 440000,,
440022,, 440044))
getting dark 0 % was present is disabled unchanged
getting dark >0 % was present is enabled ON
it is dark 0 % approaching being disabled OFF
it is dark >0 % approaching being enabled ON
getting bright 0 % was present remains disabled unchanged
getting bright >0 % was present remains enabled OFF
it is bright 0 % approaching being disabled unchanged
it is bright >0 % approaching being enabled unchanged

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Andere Handbücher von Theben LUXOR 402

Theben LUXOR 402 Bedienungsanleitung - Deutsch - 23 seiten

Theben LUXOR 402 Bedienungsanleitung - Deutsch - 6 seiten

Theben LUXOR 402 Bedienungsanleitung - Holländisch - 6 seiten

Theben LUXOR 402 Bedienungsanleitung - Französisch - 6 seiten

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