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The following isa brief description of the operational features of the U8C 1OOXLT,
Manual Channel Selection -To manually select a channel press the manu.3! key
repeatedly until the desired channel number appears in the displ.3Y.Ifyou have
dese/ecred any of the b.3nks it will be impossible to access any of those ch.3nnels
manually until you have seleCTed the particular bank in which your channel existS.
Press and hold the manual key to rapidly step through the channels.
Press the channel number you wish to access. then press the manual key, The
scanner will automatically advance to the desired channel regardless of the bank
L.odc:out - Se/ea the ch.3nnel to be skipped. Press the lockout: ,,<ey.The lockout:
indicator will appear in the display whenever that channel also appears. To take
lockout off press the lockout key on that channel.
Note: IfpriOrity ISseleCTed. channel 1will nor be able ca be lacked out. 1-\11other
priOrity channels may be lacked aut:.
Pnority- When it is Important to keep track ofrhe actNlty on one frequenojwhlle
listening to ot:hers. the prIOrIty funCTIon should be used. Program the ImporTant
frequenOj into the firs! channel of any bank. Press the pnonty key ca aCw3te the
prlonty funCTIon. Every 2 seconds the unIt wIll check the first channel of all
seleCTed banks far aCLJVlty(the priority IndicatOr wIll appear :n the cisp/ay). If a
transmISSion is found the unIt will monItOr that channeL Ifno signa/Is Found. the
unit wIll return ca the prevIous channel and functIon. Press the pnorIty key again
ca turn off the prIOrIty funalon.
Search - Use the search made ca look far new aCLJVefrequencIes wl~hln the bands
of your scanner
Enter the lower limIt frequency on the keypad and press the limit:'r<ey:
Enter the higher limit frequency and press the limIt: key again:
These tWo frequencIes set:the range that the unirwill search, Press the search key
co start searching. Ifan aCLNefrequency is found the scanner WIllsrop ca monItOr
the sIgnaL Press the hold key co hold the search on thIs frequenoj. Press the hold
key again co step up to the next frequency or press the limIt key co step dawn ca the
previous frequency. if you press and hold dawn either the Hold or LimIt keys. you
will rapidly step through the search frequencies. (Step up with the Hold key. and
step dawn with the Limit key.) When the signal stops or ifyou press the searc.r, key.
the unit will continue searching. Press the manual key to leave the search made.
Low Battery Indicator
The U8C 1OOXLThas a law barteryindicawrto leryou know when yourbattery
needs to be recharged. When the BATT Indicawr on the LCO display stam to
blink. it means that the barter; pack needs to be charged. Afrer the Iow battery
indicawr has been blinking far about ten mrnures, the scanner will shut Itself off
to pre'Jent the batterIes from becomIng comp/ere1y discharged. See the seCtIon of
this manu.31 on Battery Maintenance for mare informatIon.
;'... "..

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