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Cle aning th e te xtile dustbag (23, 24, 25)
1 O pe n th e cle ane r cove r.
2 Re m ove th e te xtile bag from th e h olde r.
3 Slide th e plas tic clip aw ay from th e bag to ope n and
e m pty.
4 Re place th e plas tic clip e nsuring th at both side s of
th e bag are paralle l.
5 Re place th e bag into th e h olde r.
Note : Th e bag m ay be w ash e d in luk e w arm w ate r
and drie d com ple te ly.
It sh ould not be w as h e d in w as h ing m ach ine .
6 Clos e th e cove r by pre ssing dow n until it click s.
Re placing th e m otor filte r
Sh ould be done w ith e ve ry 5th re place m e nt of th e dust bag
1. O pe n th e lid.
2. Re m ove th e old filte r (26.).
3. Ins e rt a ne w filte r and close th e lid.
Re place m e nt of th e m icro filte r and th e non-
w ash ab le H EPA filte r *
Th e filte r m ust alw ays be re place d w ith ne w one s and
cannot be w as h e d. Sh ould be done w ith e ve ry 5th
re place m e nt of th e dust bag
1. O pe n and re m ove th e lid (27. ; 28.).
2. Re m ove th e filte r and re place it w ith a ne w one as
sh ow n in th e picture (29 . ; 31.).
Im portant: snap on th e low er part of th e filte r fram e first
th e n after th e uppe r one . Mak e sure th e sealing is in place .
Cle aning th e w ash able H EPA filte r*
Sh ould be done w ith e ve ry 5th re place m e nt of th e dust bag
1. O pe n and re m ove th e lid, th e n re m ove th e filte r
(27. ; 28.).
2. Rins e th e inside (dirty s ide ) of th e filte r in w arm tap
w ate r. (30.) Tap th e filte r fram e to re m ove e xce s s
w ate r. Re pe at four tim e s and allow th e filte r to dry.
Note : D o not us e cle aning age nts and avoid
touch ing th e de licate filte r surface .
3 Re place th e filte r and lid as sh ow n (29 . ; 31.).
Im portant: snap on th e low er part of th e filte r fram e first
th e n after th e uppe r one . Mak e sure th e sealing is in place .
Cle aning th e h ose and nozzle
Th e vacuum cle ane r stops autom atically if th e nozzle , tube ,
h ose or filte rs and dust bag be com e s block e d. In s uch
case s, dis conne ct from w all s ock e t and allow to cool for 20-
30 m inute s . Cle ar block age and/or re place filte rs and dust
bag and re start.
Cle aning tube s and h ose
(32.) Use a cle aning strip or s im ilar to cle ar th e tube s and
h ose .
(33.) It m ay als o be possible to re m ove th e obstruction in
th e h ose by sq ue e zing it. H ow e ve r, be care ful in
case th e obstruction is cause d by glas s or ne e dle s
caugh t ins ide th e h ose .
Note: Th e w arranty doe s not cove r any dam age to th e h ose
cause d by cle aning it.
Cle aning th e floor nozzle
(34.) To avoid de te rioration of suction pow e r, fre q ue ntly
cle an th e carpe t/h ard floor nozzle . Th e e asie st w ay
to cle an it is by using th e h os e h andle .
Cle aning th e turbo nozzle (ce rtain m ode ls only)
(35.) D isconne ct th e nozzle from th e vacuum cle ane r tube
and re m ove e ntangle d th re ads , e tc. by s nipping
th e m aw ay w ith s cissors. Use th e h ose h andle to
cle an th e nozzle .
(36.) In case th e turbo nozzle stops w ork ing, ope n th e
cle aning lid and re m ove any obje cts th at obstructs
th e turbine to rotate fre e ly.
(37.) D isconne ct th e nozzle from th e vacuum cle ane r tube
and re m ove e ntangle d th re ads , e tc. by s nipping
th e m aw ay w ith s cissors. Use th e h ose h andle to
cle an th e nozzle .
Trouble sh ooting
Th e vacuum cle ane r doe s not start
1 Ch e ck th at th e cable is conne cte d to th e m ains .
2 Ch e ck th at th e plug and cable are not dam age d.
3 Ch e ck for a blow n fuse .
Th e vacuum cle ane r stops
1 Ch e ck w h e th e r th e dus t bag is full. If so, re place it
w ith a ne w one .
2 Is th e nozzle , tube or h os e block e d?
3 Are th e filte rs block e d?
W ate r h as e nte re d th e vacuum cle ane r
It w ill be ne ce s s ary to re place th e m otor at an auth orise d
Ele ctrolux se rvice ce ntre . D am age to th e m otor caus e d by
th e pe ne tration of w ate r is not cove re d by th e w arranty.
Consum e r inform ation
Ele ctrolux de cline all re sponsibility for all dam age s arising
from any im prope r use of th e appliance or in cas e s of
tam pe ring w ith th e appliance .
Th is product is de signe d w ith th e e nvironm e nt in m ind. All
plas tic parts are m ark e d for re cycling purpose s . For de tails
se e our w e b s ite : w w w .e le ctrolux.com
D ustbags and acce ssorie s!
If you are e xpe rie ncing difficultie s in finding th e righ t
dus tbag, filte r or acce s s orie s to your ne w vacuum cle ane r -
ple as e call our callce ntre (you w ill find th e num be r in th e
w arranty folde r) or vis it our w e bsh op at w w w .m e naulx.com
Th is appliance conform s w ith th e follow ing EC D ire ctive s:
Low Voltage D ire ctive 2006/9 5/EC
EMC D ire ctive 89 /336/EEC w ith am e ndm e nts
9 2/31/EEC and 9 3/68/EEC
* D e pe nding on th e m ode l

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